

學校地址: 香港銅鑼灣大坑徑17號

電話︰2577 5778

傳真︰    2577 5016

學校電郵:[email protected]

人事部:[email protected]

舊生會:[email protected]

技術支援:[email protected]

公共關係 : [email protected] 


1. 21M minibus:

Exit Causeway Bay MTR Station from Exit F, turn right onto Yun Ping Road and walk towards Lan Fong Road GMB terminus to take 21 M green minibus to reach the College's main entrance.

2. Bus:

Take bus numbers 11, 511, 41A, 63, get off at the Swiss Garden, and walk for two minutes to reach the College.

3. Driving:

Drive from Causeway Bay or Tin Hau to Tai Hang on Tai Hang Road and head up the hill.  Turn left upon seeing the Swiss Garden onto Tai Hang Path and reach the College's main entrance.