
A. 牧養關懷

「教育孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。」 箴言22:6

牧養關懷是本校的教育策略之一,以提高學生對校園的歸屬感,營造正向 的學習氣氛,給予每一位同學身心靈的支援。我們鼓勵校園內的師生與同 工學習包容,提升適應力,持平待人。我們相信在學生、家長、學校、教 會和社區之間能建立正向的關懷夥伴關係,讓關懷氛圍彌漫整個校園。


B. 情商發展

我們從不一樣的角度,重新看待年青人的行為,敏銳地察覺他們的 內在需要,給予關愛、信任及體諒。在不同跨專業同工的支援下, 按需要給予適切的輔助或發展計劃,引導他們正向及健康成長。


C. SEN Support

The College strives to establish a culture of integration by adopting a whole-school approach to serving students with special educational needs (SEN).  Our goal is to provide students in need with appropriate and multi-faceted support services, in order to enhance their learning effectiveness and assist them with their integration into life at Kung Lee.

Our Integrative Education Team includes an Assistant Principal, a Special Educational Needs Coordinator, teachers of the Learning Support Group, social workers, educational psychologists and different subject teachers.  In addition, other functional teams such as the Academic Affairs and Assessment Administration Committee, the Discipline and Counselling Team, and the Life-Planning Team assist in the support of SEN students, as part of the whole-school approach towards integrative education.

The College makes full use of the Education Bureau's Learning Support Grant, including to hire additional manpower such as a Teaching Assistant in charge of learning support, and to subscribe external services.  For example, support services for students with emotional and behavioural issues, integrative activities, and life-planning activities and courses are offered.

In terms of academics, the College takes students' special educational needs into consideration to adjust their learning, homework and assessments.  The College accomplishes this through the provision of SEN assessments, referrals, and individual learning plans, and through cooperation with SEN professionals.

Parent-school cooperation is highly valued by the College, especially in the area of SEN support.  To this end, the College maintains close communication with parents through regular parents' days and the use of the "Kung Lee Communications" mobile application.

Finally, the College abides by the Education Bureau's guidelines by arranging for our teachers to participate in training courses related to catering for learners' diversity (beginner level and advanced level).  We also invite different organisations and professionals to share their experiences with us through training sessions held at the College.


D.  生涯規劃

本校的生涯規劃組貫徹推動正向教育,促進學生全人發展和照顧 學生學習多樣性,以訂定整全的生涯規劃課程。

為配合社會發展及新世代的需要,我們在推動生涯規劃上將作出更 多不同嘗試,為學生提供更具啟發性、前瞻性、全面性的計劃,幫 助學生緊隨社會步伐,並給予他們適切的個人升學及就業輔導。


 第一階段: 認知層面

  • 認識生理及情緒變化
  • 了解各項品格強項,認清社會責任
  • 認清自我價值,邁向更積極人生
  • 發掘興趣、才能及潛能,拓闊視野
  • 建立自我成長、升學及擇業目標


  • 規劃積極人生,促進全人發展
  • 參與多元化活動,認識工作世界
  • 藉電子化平台收集升學及就業出路的資料
  • 透過體驗活動,了解社會現狀及所需生活技能


  • 懂得歸納不同升學及就業資訊和作出選擇
  • 編寫學習歷程檔及成長反思
  • 給予支援與輔導,為有特殊學習需要的學生提供 個別升學就業計劃,照顧學生多樣性學習需要